
International certification system

To validate coaching skills and professionalism, international systems have been established. These systems can verify a coach’s educational background, experience, and commitment to professional development, among other aspects.

BCI continuously collaborates with the world’s largest coaching organization,International Coaching Federationin (ICF) and the European European Mentoring & Coaching Council (EMCC). Both have defined core competencies and ethical guidelines for the coaching field.

International certification systems assist aspiring coaches in evaluating the quality of coach training and organizations in verifying a coach’s expertise and qualifications. Participating in internationally accredited coach training ensures that a coach possesses the core skills and ethical guidelines defined for the profession.

BCI’s certification programs, Certified Business Coach® and Certified Business Coach Master®, are accredited by the International Coach Federation (ICF). The Certified Business Coach® program is accredited at Level 1, and together with the Certified Business Coach Master® program, it forms a Level 2 accredited package. This program combination has also been awarded the prestigious European Quality Award (EQA) by the European Mentoring & Coaching Council, EMCC.

Certifications for Coaches

The Certified Business Coach® program has Level 1 accreditation granted by the ICF. The Certified Business Coach Master® training program has Level 2 accreditation from the ICF, meeting high quality and content standards. Level 2 accreditation refers to an ’All Inclusive’ program that encompasses all components required for international certification at the ACC and PCC levels.

  • The first part of the training series, the Certified Business Coach® program, has Level 1 accreditation from the ICF. This means that successfully completing the Certified Business Coach® training leads to national certification awarded by the BCI Business Coaching Institute and qualifies for ACC certification in the ICF system and Foundation individual accreditation (EIA) in the EMCC system based on 60 hours of training. ACC-level certification also requires 10 hours of mentor coaching, 75 hours of accumulated coaching experience (25 hours included in the training), and a transcribed recording of a coaching session with a client.
  • Completing the second part of the series, the Certified Business Coach Master® training, leads to national certification awarded by the BCI Business Coaching Institute, and qualifies for ACC and PCC certifications in the ICF system and Practitioner-level individual accreditation in the EMCC system.
  • By participating in both the Certified Business Coach® and Certified Business Coach Master® programs, applying for international ICF certification is possible with our certificate, and the program covers all parts for ACC and PCC levels except for the coaching experience requirement (ACC=100 hours, PCC=500 hours).




Links to International Coach Federation (ICF) website
ICF sertification | Benefits of Using a Coach
| Coaching Success Stories

Link to EMCC Global website

EMCC Global