Carola Hjelt

Certified Business Coach Master®, PCC

Coaching skills trainer, business coach, mentor coach, coaching supervisor

I am a catalyst for insights and work as a business coach, trainer, mentor, and facilitator. My mission is to improve the world by promoting excellent leadership and holistic well-being.

I have strong and extensive experience and expertise in coaching both supervisors and teams. I have held various leadership and HR roles, and have been involved in leadership development in large international organizations. Through my own company, I have also had the opportunity to develop activities in various small and medium-sized enterprises and in the public sector.

I feel that my most important task is to help key individuals in organizations grow and succeed—i.e., to rise to a new level in self-leadership and in leading others.

The path of coaching opened up to me in 2012 and instantly captivated me. Once I began to understand what coaching is and what is done in it, I just wanted to keep learning more about it. My natural inclinations aid me in my role as a coach, as I have always wanted to focus on creating a good atmosphere and being present in different interaction situations. I am calm and empathetic, and I often receive feedback from those I coach about how quickly a trusting atmosphere is found with me.

When working with groups, I find it easy to read the moods, energies, and dynamics between people, which accelerates achieving results in both team and group processes. As a trainer, I strive to make things easy to understand and internalize. I believe that wisdom resides in the group, and therefore, I want to create conditions for participants that support the sharing of experiences and expertise. I create opportunities for experimentation, as it helps with insight and promotes learning. I also gladly give feedback and encourage others to give feedback as well, as it forces one to view things from a broader perspective.

As a partner, I am straightforward and clear. I work with a goal-oriented approach, and schedules are in good hands with me. I hold an MBA from Henley Management College, am a Certified Business Coach Master, and an NLP Master. I strive to bring joy, warmth, and humanity into everything I do, as well as balance and harmony. I am motivated by helping people develop in their work and grow as individuals. My personal development is also important to me. In terms of coaching, this currently involves studying for a new role in Coaching Supervision.